today I woke up at 6:45am to go thrifting.
ok, i'm fibbing a bit. my alarm went off at 6:45am, I didn't get out of the bed til 730ish. not a morning person.
I drive north approximately 120 miles to do my thrifting. thats one way. I do thrift locally, however, Los Angeles has some of the best thrifting in the world. the drive is brutal but worth it. I typically do this twice a month.
today I scored some sweet new preloved gear. to sell and to keep. though I rarely keep things forever. because of what I do, and limited space, my closet is an ever changing work of art. I really only keep things that I love, love, love. otherwise i'll wear something til i'm tired of it, grow out of it, or seasons/styles change.
i'm blessed to shop for a living. you'd think thats a gals dream job. and while I certainly can't complain, like anything one does over and over again, shopping becomes monotonous.
to be completely honest, after doing this business for 8 going on 9 years i've grown bored. its time to spice things up, fall back in love with my biz.
i've got plenty of ideas. now the task at hand is bringing those ideas to life.
stay tuned.